Buster Cole State Jail 1-11-2020

     My goodness! Can you believe 2020 is already here? Just in time for our thirty-ninth Possum Talks workshop, this time at the Cole Unit in Bonham, Texas. Shari informs me that we are scheduled through August of this year, so we look forward to another great year of service opportunity as we bring the life-changing message about the Faithful Father to Texas prisons. Since many of our participants never had a dad who was consistently present in their growing-up lives or was missing altogether, the workshop focuses on the example of the one true father, his undying and incomprehensible love, and how to love our children in the same way he loved the Prodigal Son.
     The roster for Saturday, 1-11,  includes 70 participants, church workers and our team of volunteers. Speaking of volunteers, we are so grateful for the sacrificial giving of our team. Most of them have been with us for every workshop throughout Possum Talks’ eight-year history — and on their own dime. Can you believe? This shows their servant’s heart and demonstrates the loving compassion of Jesus every time we meet for a full day or day and a half’s workshop.
     You know, I am convinced that the message of the Faithful Father of Luke 15 is desperately needed among our men and for men in all prison populations, especially when I see how many young people these days have turned to sex, drugs and violence as a way of life. To hear of the men’s pain when communicating with their children who are making the same life choices and being unable to impact their lives meaningfully is a constant source of frustration and reminder to them of their own destructive past. And sadly, they can do little about it from behind bars. But then God shows up with us! We believe their only hope is to know the Father’s love for them, then show them how to reach out to their children.
     God has been so good to us for all these years, and He continues to confirm our work through his word (Matthew 25, et al.). But He also listens to your prayers for us, and we consider them absolutely vital so that we may continue in a scripturally relevant and meaningful way. So we do encourage your prayers for all of us \for (1) effective ministry, (2) travel mercies, and (3) most importantly that God would be glorified.
     Thanks again that we can bring our prayer need to you and that we may be assured you do take us before him. Blessings to all in this new year, 2020!

For him …