The Mission

“Equipping and encouraging incarcerated dads to be effective fathers … from the inside out”

Best Group Pic PTIII_pt5Slogan: “Dads Building a Strong Foundation from the Ground Up, From the Inside Out

Description: As a statewide organization, Possum Talks equips and encourages incarcerated dads to become the best-possible fathers during incarceration.


group talk_pt5Our mission is to come alongside incarcerated prison dads who desire to learn or relearn effective fathering. We believe that through our “Higher Power,”Jesus Christ, all things are possible. And although  Possum Talks is based upon Christian concepts, with biblical illustrations throughout, men of all faiths will find Possum Talks  a comfortable and welcoming environment for all who wish to learn how to become faithful fathers.

The purpose and design of Possum Talks: From the Inside Out is to strengthen bonds between children and incarcerated dads. We seek to reduce the number of children who are statistically 85% more at risk of becoming incarcerated themselves by growing up in a fatherless home.

Possum Talks   McKinney,Texas 75070